Sunday, July 13, 2008

Weekend Recap

So I finished the Summer Associate for the consulting firm I work for. It was straight out of the book "The Firm", right down to them entering my room one night to leave us gifts. Freaky.

Anyway, San Diego rocks, it's 71 every day and 69 every night. The midwestern people at my company are real cool, but the northeasterns sucked as was expected. Harvard and Wharton kids seemed pissed that a sarcastic loser from IU has the exact same job as them. Do you guys get this at your jobs this summer too?

I went kayaking in the Pacific Saturday morning, that was a lot of fun. I was planning to kayak over the border to Mexico, but it was like 19 miles south, and I figure the Coast Guard can kayak faster than me, so I'd get caught.

Fun link for everyone to check out: It's used as a way to set up micro-loans to 3rd world countries. I opened an account and funded Sounkar Seydi, who is looked to sell clothing in Senegal. It'd be cool if we all take some money from our internships and loan it out to these types of folks.

Hope everyone else had a good week. My internship is 6/10 over!

-- The Esch

1 comment:

Falker, Big T, Clintbomb, Ferlic, and The Esch said...

Nice post Brian! And yes, I did get similar treatment when I started from some unnamed non-Kelley interns! So frustrating.

Since there are 5 of us writing on here, perhaps we should sign off on the end, so we know who's writing. Unless of course it's a group effort, which I totally anticipate :)

Can't wait to see you all in the fall! What's the theme for our first party going to be??? Hairbangers? Or is that later, after all the 1st years learn what Hairbangers is?

--Big T